Monday, May 30, 2011

This blog is my oyster

I felt compelled to write, so I started this blog.  And now I'm at a loss for words.  Does this happen to everyone when they start blogging?  What will I write about?  What is the purpose for this blog?  Will it be a journal?  If so, would anyone be interested in what's in it?  How much would I reveal?  What will I call my blog?  Questions add up faster than answers.  So I must take this slow.  Feel it out.  Eventually it will take shape.  Until then, I'll just call it "Musings from California", since that's where I'm from.  Cupertino, to be specific.  I'm excited to write.  To share.  To write down my thoughts as a means of organizing them and, hopefully, understanding them.  And I'm excited to see who comes along to read, and comment.  Dinner in the oven is almost ready, so I must sign out for now.  Until next time!

A scene from one of my favorite movies, "Ruby in Paradise".  This is the scene where the main character, Ruby Lee Gissing (played by a young Ashley Judd), makes her first entry in the journal she keeps throughout the movie.